



2018 Daviess County Right To Life Banquet

Terry Beatley, Main Speaker for the Right to Life Banquet

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A large crowd turned out to hear Terry Beatley, (shown here) pro-life author and author of "What If We Have Been Wrong" was the main speaker for the Right to Life Banquet held this past Thursday at the Simon J. Graber Building. Beatley who interviewed Dr. Bernard Nathanson prior to his death was asked by Nathanson to tell his story to the public on how he along with other pro-abortion advocates pushed their abortion agenda and with the help of the media changed the acceptance of abortion in America. Beatley told how Dr. Nathanson saw the picture of the ultrasound of his grandchild and started him on the road to changing his thought process and gradually changed his position on abortion. Nathanson who was the leading advocate for Abortion in America saw what he had done and resigned from the National Abortion Right League and in that letter questioned “What if we have been wrong” which became the title of the book. Nathanson later converted to the Pro-Life Movement and converted to the Catholic Church. He passed away in 2011 and asked Terry Beatley to tell his story.

Ed & Christy Farhar Family Honored at Right to Life Banquet

Picture above it the Ed & Christy Farhar Family as they were being honored at The Annual Right to Life Banquet held on Thursday at the Simon J. Graber Building. Shown here is Front row (L-R) Millie, Ryken, Daniel, Jadaya, Back Row (L-R) Ed, Christy, Amiee Farhar and Louis Kavanaugh Jr. The Farhar Family was honored at the Right to Life Banquet as the 2018 Adoptive Family as they have adopted four children from the same family on April 22 of 2015. The Farhar Family was in the Foster Parent Program and they were caring for the four children. After caring for the Children for about two years they were asked if they wish to adopt the children or else they may be split up. Ed & Christy agreed they did not want the children to be split up so on April 22 of 2015 they adopted all four children. The Farhar Family had two other children Aimee and Cole who are both grown and Cole now lives in New York. Ed and Christy Farhar were also presented with a plaque by the Right to Life honoring them for their humanitarian work in the Foster Parent Program. Louis Kavanaugh Jr. of the Daviess County Right to Life in Presenting the Plaque praised the program and encouraged others to be a part of this special program. Kavanaugh went on to say “we need this program especially now in the time we are living.” The Banquet was well attended again this year as Mike and Steve Uebelhor of Huntingburg were presented the Pro-Life Award and Terry Beatley, a pro-life author was the main Speaker.

Steve & Mike Uebelhor Presented Pro-Life Award

2010 Pro Life

Pictured above is Mike & Steve Uebelhor (center & right) as they pose with Louis Kavanaugh Jr. after the presentation of the Pro-Life Award at the Annual Right to Life Banquet. Mike & Steve Uebelhor have been involved in the Dubois County Right to Life since it started back in the late 70's. Both Mike and Steve have played a big part of the success of Dubois Co. RTL and they also were instrumental in creating the Teens for Life, the Matrix Organization which helps expecting mothers in unplanned pregnancies. Not only have they been very active in the Right to Life Organization on the Local and State level they have very active in their church and in the community. Each year Daviess & Martin County Right to Life Groups honor those individuals who have given well beyond what is expected of them and to promote the pro-life movement. Steve & Mike Uebelhor live and work in Huntingburg Indiana.

2018 Banquet Book. Give Your Support to those who support the Right To Life Cause. Click on the Picture to the left to view the Banquet Book

2017 DCRTL Banquet coverage in the Washington Times Hearld Friday October 6th Addition. Click on Picture to read article

Banquet Videos


