



Office Information

Office Information

Our Office is Located at 705 Troy Road in Washington Indiana. If you need to contact us, email the President at: louiskavanaughjr@gmail.com or call Louis Kavanaugh Jr. at (812)-486-3658



What can I do to help RTL


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Appeal Made at the 2013 Banquet
  1. Attend our Monthly Meetings and become informed on the happenings of the Pro-Life Movement.

  2. Donate to Daviess County Right to Life or to the Pregnancy Care Center.

  3. Write Letters to the Edior to let the general public know what abortion is all about.

  4. Email your Elected representatives at the federal, state and local level and let them know your views.

  5. Write editorials for newspapers and attend pro-life fuctions such as the March for Life, Banquets, etc..

  6. Contact us to find out how you can prayoutside an abortion clinic or stand in silent witness on a sidewalk display.

  7. Become a pro-life liaison for your church, encouraging your church to speak out and teach others on abortion.

  8. Place pro-life brochures in your purse, car, home, office and give to others when they ask about the movement.

  9. Donate pro-life books to schools and public libraries .

  10. Urge doctors and other professionals to put pro-life literature in waiting rooms

  11. Wear pro-life jewlery and clothing.

  12. Place pro-life bumper stickers on your car.

  13. Educate yourselfabout this issue so that you can educate others.

  14. Speak to your family, friends and neighborsabout the evils of abortion.

  15. be sure to know how the candidates stand on this issue and Vote Pro-Life!

  16. Be Sure to Pray each day, For good Leaders in our State and Country and for the Pro-Life Movement.

  17. Finally, Defend the unborn since they cannot speak for themselves!