



2015 Daviess County Right To Life Banquet

Jeanne Mancini and Mike Fitcher Address Right To Life Banquet

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Pictured above is Jeanne Mancini (center), the Main Speaker at the Right to Life Banquet and Mike Fichter (right) President/CEO of Indiana Right To Life along with Daviess County Right To Life President Louis Kavanaugh Jr. after the Banquet on Thursday evening. Jeanne Mancini who is President of March For Life which holds the Annual March for Life each year on January 22 in Washington D.C. was the main speaker at the gathering of Right To Life Members from Daviess, Martin and Pike Counties. Mike Fichter who is President/CEO of Indiana Right To Life also spoke on the laws that have been passed this year in the Indiana Legislature and thanked those Legislators in attendance for their support along with Governor Mike Pence who had a recorded message to those assembled. The Derrick and Megan Suheski Family along with son Cedrick were honored as the Adoptive Family for 2015 and Terry and Ethna Ohaver were award the Humanitarian Award. A large crowd over 600 attended the event held at the Simon J. Graber Building.

Suheski Family Honored

Pictured above is the Suheski Family as they are being honored on stage at the Right to Life Banquet from last Thursday night. Cedrick Drake Suheski (in front) was selected as the “Adoptive Child” to be honored with his picture on the front cover of the 2015 Right To Life Banquet Book. The rest of the Suheski family is Cedrick’s partents Megan (Center) & Derrick (right) and a sister Haileigh Suheski of rural Loogootee. Also pictured is Daviess County Right To Life President Louis Kavanaugh Jr (Left) as he makes the presentation. According to the President Louis Kavanaugh the Right to Life promotes “Adoption Not Abortion” and each year they honor an adoptive family that keeps with this theme. A large crowd over 600 attended the event held at the Simon J. Graber Building. (Picture by Tyler Lengacher)

Terry and Ethna Ohaver Awarded Humanitarian Award

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Pictured above is President of Daviess County Right To Life Louis Kavanaugh Jr. as he presents the Humanitarian Award to Ethna (center) and Terry (right) Ohaver at the Annual Right to Life Banquet held this past Thursday Night. The Ohaver’s have spend many years working in the St. Vincent DePaul Organization and have managed the St. Vincent Store in Washington and have given countless hours to the success of that Organization. The Award came as a total surprise to both of them. According to Louie Kavanaugh who presented the award, “I know that you receive this award not only for yourself but for all those individuals who have given many hours of their time to this great organization.” The Banquet was held at the Simon J. Graber Building this past Thursday evening and was attended by over 600 Right To Life Members from Daviess, Martin and Pike Counties.

Banquet Highlights

Banquet Videos






