



2016 Daviess County Right To Life Banquet

Indiana Right to Life President Address Annual Banquet

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Mike Fichter, President of Indiana Right to Life, addressed he crowd of over 500 right to life supporters from the Daviess, Martin and Pike Counties on the importance of the upcoming general election. Fichter spoke of differences in the candidates on the state and federal level and how it will effect the Pro-Life Movement.  He encouraged the group tovote for pro-life candidates and stated that the major outcome of this election will be the difference in what type of judges that will be appointed by the two different people running for President and the make up of the U.S. Senate.  He also pointed out the importance of the senate seat here in Indiana and how that seat could mean the difference in control of the U.S. Senate and whether they would be approving pro-abortion judges or pro-life judges.  He encouraged all present to vote pro-life for all offices in the upcoming election.  The group also heard from Monica Seifker who heads up the 40 Days for Life Organization in Bloomington and Monica and her Family were the recipient of the 2016 Pro-Life Award

Phil/Amber Smith Family Honored

Pictured above is Phil and Amber Smith of Loogootee along with their son Jaxon and their adoptive daughter Emersyn and the Right to Life President Louis Kavanaugh Jr. (right). The Right to Life Organization honored the Smith Family as the Adoptive Family of the Year at the Annual Right to Life Banquet held this past Thursday night at the Simon J. Graber Building. Amber “Graber” Smithtold the story of how she had cancer during her first pregnancy and saving the baby became a priority along with battling cancer. After Jaxon was born and the cancer was in remission and unable to have more children they turned to adoption and the Smiths were blessed with the adoption of Emersyn. Amber Smith addressed the large crowd and praised the birth mother for a very tough decision and one that has given their family much joy the rest of their lives. Over 500 attended the Banquet this year and the 2016 Pro-Life Award went to Monica & Dale Seifker Family of Bloomington who heads up the 40 Days for Life Organization of Bloomington and the main Speaker for the Banquet was Indiana Right To Life President Mike Fichter.

Dale & Monica Siefker Family Awarded the 2016 Pro-Life Award

2010 Pro Life

Pictured above is the President of Right to Life Louis Kavanaugh Jr. (left) as he presents the 2016 Pro-Life Award to Monica & Dale Seifker Familyof Bloomington Indiana. Monica Seifker is in charge of the 40 Days for Life Organization which prays and councils young monthers as they come to the abortion clinic in Bloomington. Monica, Dale and her Family have worked at this for many years as she saves one baby at a time from abortion. In the presentation of the award Kavanaugh spoke of Monica and her Family’s untiring efforts in good and bad weather as they pray and do their best to save these young victims from abortion. Kavanaugh also spoke of the abuse they take from this college town but it has not altered their desire to keep trying to save the little ones. In accepting the award Monica spoke of the joy of being able to save lives but that day she lost one she had hoped to save and it was very hard on her and she almost did not come to the banquet because of it. The Award was a total surprise to the Seifker family as several members from the area were in attendance that go to the abortion clinic to help Monica in this special endeavor. Monica & Dale Siefker have six children and she also home schools all the children. The oldest son of the family will soon study to be a priest and the oldest daughter will take her final vows as a nun this December.

Banquet Highlights

2016 DCRTL Banquet coverage in the Washington Times Hearld Saturday October 8th Addition. Click on Picture to read article


Banquet Videos


