Daviess County Right to Life Discontinued Paper Drives but Will Still Have Aluminum Can Drives:

From 1978-2021, paper drives were a mainstay of Daviess County Right to Life’s fundraising efforts, even becoming the main source of income for the organization at times.
Bernie Wichman, one of the original organizers behind the paper drive, was a cornerstone of the events, held the first Saturday of every even-numbered month, for 24 years. When his health failed and he passed away that same year, his son, Mike Wichman, stepped up to continue the work. Chuck and Steve Wichman, Mike’s brothers, assisted faithfully as well for many years, following in the footsteps of Bernie Wichman and his brothers Bill and Bob.
Folks who helped with the paper drives remember Bernie Wichman’s wife Alma bringing food for the workers, a tradition carried on by her daughter Mary Jo Sellers (Wichman). Mary Jo was faithfully involved with the Right to Life, holding the position of treasurer for the organization for many years.
From their beginning in 1978 at the Washington Catholic School parking lot, paper drives were held in several Washington locations and other touch points around the county before coming to an end in 2021. Over the years, the amount of newspaper and aluminum cans has been exponential, often filling a semi in a single drive. Thousands of tons of paper have been spared from the landfill, in the process helping the cause of Daviess County Right to Life.

Pictured here, Standing on the ground in front of the truck: (L-R)
Doug Crouse, Josh Wichman, Mary Anne (Wichman) Steiner, Maggie Burks, Megan LaGrange (in truck), Teleatha (Sellers) Dilley, Mitchell Kavanaugh, Sarah (Wichman) Dil, Terri (Schapker) Wichman, Kevin Wichman, Mary Jo (Wichman) Sellers
Standing in the truck: (L-R) Steve Wichman, Mike Wichman, Chuck Wichman, Raymond Hart & Jeff Collison.
Mike Wichman who is now in charge of the Right To Life Paper Drives took over after his Dad Bernie Wichman got sick in 2002 and passed away. Bernie Wichman took care of the Paper Drives from the beginning back in 1978 until his health failed and Mike, his son took up the torch. Mike has always helped at the drives and along with his brothers Chuck and Steve Wichman were always dependable help for the drives. In fact the Wichman Family has always well represented at the Paper Drives. Beginning with Bernie and his brothers Bill and Bob and Bernie’s children and other members of the Wichman Family, we could not have done it without them. Bernie’s wife Alma always made the sandwiches and got the soft drinks for the crew. When Alma got sick and was unable to do it anymore, their daughter Mary Jo “Wichman” Sellers took over and does it to this day. Mary Jo was also the Treasurer for the Daviess Co. Right To Life for many years and has continued the tradition of the Wichman family helping out at these paper drives. Many of the Wichman Grand Children have helped at one time or another and continue to do so to this day.
The Paper Drives stated back in 1978 at the parking lot next to Washington Catholic School, then moved to old 3-D Plaza, then to the old Big Blue Parking lot and now hold their drives at the Old K-Mart Parking lot. Over the years the Paper Drives would fill a full semi in one day but now because of the cut back in newsprint it may take two drives of more to fill a semi-trailer. In the last 4-5 years the Right To Life has started recycling aluminum cans and this has proved to be very beneficial to the group. At one time the Paper Drives also took magazines but we do not have an outlet to sell them and that was discontinued years ago.
The Paper Drives are held the first Sat. of the even months of the year with the main location at the old K-Mart Parking lot. We have pickup points at Plainville, Odon, Elnora, Montgomery and Cannelburg. Over the years it is estimated we have saved a thousand or more tons of paper from going to the landfill and in the process helped the RTL Cause. At one point the Paper Drives was the main source of income for the organization.