Since 1976
Protecting the Right of All Life
Our Organization
Daviess County Right to Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to protect the right of all life, especially of unborn children, through positive education, compassionate advocacy, and promotion of healthy alternatives to abortion. We strive to preserve and protect human life from conception to natural death. We educate the public about the dangers of abortion, infantcide, and euthanasia.
We inform and educate the public about the Pro-Life message through our monthly newsletter, and our pregnancy care program, as well as bringing nationally known pro-life speakers to our community, as well as providing public service advertisements
Established in 1976, Daviess County Right to Life now has extensive membership support in Greene, Pike, Martin, and Knox counties. Through the efforts of our former President, Donna Gentry we were blessed to open the Pregnancy Care Center, in January 1999. Daviess County Right to Life has promoted life and worked against abortion through radio and newspaper ads, a monthly newsletter, booths at local fairs, hosted church and school programs, and have lobbied our elected officials to support pro-life legislation.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Daviess County Right to Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to protect the right of all life, especially of unborn children, through positive education, compassionate advocacy, and promotion of healthy alternatives to abortion. We strive to perserve and protect human life from conception to natural death. We educate the public about the dangers of abortion, infantcide, and euthanasia. We inform and educate the public about the Pro-Life message through our monthly newsletter, and our pregnancy care program, as well as bringing nationally known pro-life speakers to our community, as well as providing public service advertisements.
Daviess County Right To LIfe
Officers & Board Members