Shown above is Steve Ham who is the Senior Director of Worldwide Outreach for Answers In Genesis, a Creationist ministry well known for its Creation Museum near Cincinnati. Mr. Ham addressed a record breaking crowd of close to 700 attendees at this year’s Right To Life Banquet. A native of Australia, Mr. Ham moved his family to the United States in 2009. Using PowerPoint/video presentation, Mr. Ham showed that the earth’s origin comes from a Creator God not a mindless big bang. It was his position that since mankind was created by God in God’s image, than all human life is sacred from the moment of conception to the moment of death. He went on to say that the evolutionist sees man as nothing more than a collection of random molecules, therefore the evolutionist view of human life is subjective depending on such factors as a person’ ability, development, race, contribution to society and age. In contrast, the view that all men are in God’s image results in the objective conclusion that all men are of equal value. Therefore the life of a developing baby in the womb is just as valuable as the adult who contributes to society. Likewise, the disabled and impaired are no less important than the able and unimpaired. (Picture by Tyler Lengacher)